Willkommen im Elfenbeinturm!MaterialsThis here is effectively the "book" which accompanies your HypnoGerman lessons. It contains in electronic format all the things which you'd find in a traditional language book and more! Things we cover in class plus homework... If you want to become proper German (and yes, for the purposes of this project that's a good idea), get yourself a folder, to print out and organise your:
- Grammatik (grammar), - Texte (texts), - Wortschatz (vocabulary) and - Übungen (exercises). It will be a huge help to have not only an online presence but also a physical copy of all your material. These pages also contain quizzes, which you can practice on here by clicking on them. |
Anfänger (Beginner)
Teil 1 (Part 1)
Teil 2 (Part 2)
Teil 3 (Part 3)
Teil 4 (Part 4) + Große Wiederholung (Great Revision)
Teil 2 (Part 2)
Teil 3 (Part 3)
Teil 4 (Part 4) + Große Wiederholung (Great Revision)